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Management Staff At Gray Knob Kennels

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pet's Pesky Pests

Some of the worst insects and parasites for our pets are fleas and ticks. Flea bites and bites from other insects are one of the most common types of dog allergies.  Being proactive and taking an active stand against fleas is better than dealing with the discomfort and suffering your dog will experience if they develop flea allergies.
My clients ask me what I recommend or what I use to prevent a flea infestation in the Kennel, yard and on my pets.  There are a variety of flea products available for treating your yard.  I use a “pet friendly” product to treat my yard around the Kennel called “Sevin Dust”.  Used as directed this is very effective and is safe to use around pets.
You should be very careful when selecting “organic” or “natural” products that claim to kill or repel insects that can harm your pets. Some of these products may repel some pests but will attract others.  The most important thing to remember is NEVER spray anything directly on to your pet unless the product says it safe to do so. If in doubt consult your local Veterinarian.
Many people have told me over the years that Frontline Plus is no longer effective on their pets to repel or kill fleas.  I no longer sell Frontline, mostly because many people do not know how to apply it correctly so it is wasted and not effective.  I use Comfortis® pills, available at your Vet’s office. These are very effective and completely safe when administered correctly. Again you should always consult with your vet before treating your pet!

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